To install WSPLITZ and WJOINZ for Microsoft Windows 3.0 you must first place WPSPLIT.exe and WJOINZ.EXE in your C:\WINDOWS directory. Now run windows. Select the program group you wish them to appear in. Select New from the file menu. A window entitled "New Program Object" will appear. Select "Program Item" and click OK. Now a window entitled "Program Item Properties" will appear. Enter some descriptive text, this is the name which will appear beneath the icon. Enter the path to WSPLITZ.EXE in the Command Line box (eg. C:\WINDOWS\WSPLITZ.EXE). You can fill this field in either with the keyboard, or you can use the "Browse" option. Repeat the above for WJOINZ.EXE. Icons for the two program should have appeared in the program group you selected.